
The following page contains information on how to compile the latest version of EcH2O-iso in Linux, Windows and Mac, whose executable is ech2o_iso. Instructions to install pre-compiled Linux and Windows version will be available soon. For now, pre-compiled executables are provided in the CaseStudy folder ; note however that the Linux and Mac executable are platform-dependent and might not run out of the box!

EcH2O-iso uses PCRASTER as data pre- and post-processor. Please install PCRASTER free of charge from here.

1. Compilation instructions for EcH2O-iso using gcc

The current version of EcH2O-iso does not have a configure script. The Makefile has been generated for the gnu c++ compiler and does not check for dependencies. MINGW is necessary to compile in Windows.

1. Dependencies

  • Change directory to your workspace and clone the latest version of the source files from the git repository:

$ git clone
  • Install the armadillo development files (version 7 or higher), either compiling and installing from source (here) or from the package manager of your Linux distribution (or from homebrew on Mac).

  • Install the boost development files, either compiling and installing from source (here) or from the package manager of your Linux distribution. For Mac users, note that the boost libraries installed with homebrew are compiled with Apple Clang (which should not be used here, as it does not handle OpenMP), and will not link at the end EcH2O-iso compiling if the latter is done with gcc. One workaround is either to compile boost from source using gcc (see discussion here) or compile boost and EcH2O-iso using LLVM Clang.

  • Precompiled versions of the libcsf dependency for Linux, Windows and Mac are included in the lib folder. The compilation was carried assuming little endian 64 bit architectures.

    If the linker complains, the library may need to be compiled for your system. Please, clone the source code from

$ git clone

or download from


and compile from source. Then replace the old libcsf64 library in the lib directory with the newly compiled library. Make sure you change the name of the new library so it has the same name as the old one.

2. Making ech2o_iso

  • Open a command line terminal

  • Change to the Release-* folder within the source folder, where * is your OS type: Linux, Mac or Windows.

  • Type make all (or make ech2o_iso) to make the source. Use make clean to reset (it removes the *.o, *.d and the ech2o_iso executable).


If compiling for Windows, edit the file and substitute item -lcsf64 for -llibcsf64 so that make will link against the correct static library. Save and close the editor If compiling for Mac, edit the file and substitute item -lcsf64 for -lcsfosx so that make will link against the correct static library. Save and close the editor

3. Making asc2c

  • Open a command line terminal

  • Change directory to your workspace and clone the latest version of the source files from the git repository:

$ git clone
  • Change directory into the source folder and type make to make the code.


If you need assistance compiling the source, contact sylvain[dot]kuppel[at]ird[dot]fr or marco[dot]maneta[at]umontana[dot]edu

If you find this documentation to be incomplete, please file a ticket in the appropriate issue tracker: